Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Timothy Lynch--A Labor Leader for All Time!

I am very proud to post this fine article by Matthew D'Amico.  He is a political coordinator for the Civil Service Employees Association in NYC and a friend to labor.  He tells of the important work of Timothy Lynch, former president of Local 1205 of the Teamsters Union on Long Island, New York.  Timothy Lynch tragically died on January 30th.  He was passionate in his desire to take care of the workers of his local--to see to it that they received wages and benefits they deserved.  He was an Aesthetic Realism Associate, studying the philosophy of Aesthetic Realism, which was founded by the great American poet and educator, Eli Siegel.  It was from Aesthetic Realism and Mr. Siegel that Timothy Lynch learned that the basis of profit economics was contempt for people--the hope in an employer to get as much from a worker as possible and give that worker as little as possible for his or her labor.  Timothy Lynch felt this was unethical, immoral, and I am proud to agree with him.  To read more about and see a very moving video that was played at his memorial service, click here:

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

"Welcome Your Confusion As a Guest," by Ellen Reiss, Aesthetic Realism Chairman of Education

We all have thoughts and feelings we don’t understand, and they affect us at every moment—as we walk down the street, see passing cars, experience the changing weather. How should we see what puzzles us? What do we do with our confusion—about ourselves, about the world? Ellen Reiss writes movingly about this in her musical poem “Welcome Your Confusion as a Guest.”