Through the Aesthetic Realism Method, Education Can Really Succeed!
In this issue of the international journal, The Right of Aesthetic Realism To Be Known, Chairman of Education, Ellen Reiss, gives in her commentary the principles by Eli Siegel which form the basis of the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method. With exactitude and great passion, she also writes about the economic justice every child deserves--that "the land of America, which means her wealth, should be owned by all of America’s children—all of America’s people." And she asks this urgent, kind question we should all think deeply about: "Should that earth, to which every child is born just as unknowingly, belong much more to some few children and hardly at all to millions of others?" You will be greatly stirred and educated by this commentary.
Also in this issue of TRO, New York City elementary school teacher, Lauren Philipps, tells of the success of the Aesthetic Realism Method in her 2nd grade science classes. Ms. Philipps teaches on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, one of the most economically devastated areas of New York. She chronicles how her students were able to learn successfully and become kinder persons through science lessons she gave on geology and the study of soil. To read the imporant article, click here:
Also in this issue of TRO, New York City elementary school teacher, Lauren Philipps, tells of the success of the Aesthetic Realism Method in her 2nd grade science classes. Ms. Philipps teaches on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, one of the most economically devastated areas of New York. She chronicles how her students were able to learn successfully and become kinder persons through science lessons she gave on geology and the study of soil. To read the imporant article, click here: