The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method is the Solution to the Crisis in Education--Teachers Tell Why! by Helena Simon
I post a seminar paper given by Elementary Educator, Helena Simon, at the conclusion of her first year teaching. Studies have shown that new teachers last an average of five years in New York City schools. Why? Because of what are called, "classroom management issues," they find it nearly impossible to teach. They also don't have the supplies they need, especially in urban settings where funds are limited. Add to that the stress of preparing for standardized tests which students object to. Teachers want desperately to feel that they can encourage students to love learning and bring the very best out of their minds. That is what the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method does resoundingly. I know firsthand because I used it to for 30 years to teach high school students!
Miss Simon shows in this paper, given at a public seminar at the Aesthetic Realism Foundation several years ago, the success of the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method in one of the toughest areas of New York City--Harlem. What she writes about her students and how they learned successfully can give hope to many teachers. Click here to read Ms. Simon's paper.
Miss Simon shows in this paper, given at a public seminar at the Aesthetic Realism Foundation several years ago, the success of the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method in one of the toughest areas of New York City--Harlem. What she writes about her students and how they learned successfully can give hope to many teachers. Click here to read Ms. Simon's paper.